Hello friends of Drive Electric Washington! Here is a summary of what is new with EV policy issues this week in the Washington State Legislature. We are halfway through this year’s session, and a few bills are making progress. Please see below for public hearing details, updates and information about how to participate.
HB5967 – Imposing a state climate resiliency and mitigation surcharge on large financial institutions financing the global fossil fuel industry while recognizing the financial institution industry’s efforts to address climate change. Sponsor Sen. Carlysle. From 2023 through 2049, the bill would impose a climate resiliency and mitigation surcharge on financial institutions that are members of a consolidated financial group with an annual net income of at least $1 billion, and that are bankers of fossil fuel industries. Referred to Senate Ways and Means Committee. Read text here.

HEARING THIS WEEK: HB1792 – Expanding various tax exemptions for the production, distribution, and use of hydrogen made by electrolysis. Sponsors: Ramel, Orcutt, Abbarno, Fitzgibbon. Hearing at 8 a.m. Feb. 7 in House Finance Committee. Read text here.

UPDATES HB1644 – Funds planning and fueling infrastructure for clean student transportation vehicles. Sponsors Reps.Senn, Ybarra, Leavitt, Bateman, Ryu, Shewmake, Ramel, Fitzgibbon, Valdez. Amended bill passed out of committee Jan. 27. Referred to House Rules Committee. Read text here. HB1793 – Creates rules for owners’ installations of charging stations in common interest communities such as condominiums, cooperative apartments, and developments with homeowners’ associations. Sponsors: Hackney, Fitzgibbon, Berry. Substitute bill passed out of committee Jan. 28. Substitute allows alternate ways for user to pay for electricity besides a separate meter. Referred to Rules Committee. Read text here.

HB1831 – Electrician certification program for EV charging station installation, Sponsors Reps. Bronoske, Berry, Macri, and Ramel. Substitute bill passed out of committee Feb. 2. Referred to House Rules Committee. Read text here.

SB5526 – Requires a report to the Legislature on the global availability of lithium and rare earth minerals used in battery manufacturing. Sponsor: Fortunato. Substitute bill passed out of committee Feb. 1. Substitute requires the state to conduct research and report on recycling batteries and reclaiming minerals. Referred to Senate Rules Committee. Read text here.
SB5828 – Requires a plan for autonomous vehicles in emergency and traffic enforcement incidents. Sponsor Sen. Nguyen. Executive session at 12:30 p.m. Feb. 7 in Senate Transportation Committee. Read text here.

Portals for remote testimony are available online for the state House and Senate.

You also can register your position on a bill or issue, and you can call and e-mail your state senators and representatives – find your district, names and e-mail addresses at www.leg.wa.gov.
Please share with anyone you know who is interested!

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